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Area Rug Cleaning & How It's Done

Area Rug Cleaning & How It's Done

area rug cleaning san diego

Before a homeowner decides to clean the rug, they should identify the kind of material that has been used in the making of their home rugs. Berber, Oriental or Persian rugs are made from diverse materials and each material used requires specific method for cleaning as well as cleaning materials and cleaning technique.

There are different rug cleaning materials on the market. One can use foam cleaners, powder cleaners, and shampoos.

However, the efficiency of the cleaning will depend on the choice of cleaning agents used. Some rugs can be cleaned at home manually while others have to be cleaned professionally using machines.

Cleaning Rugs

The stakes are raised when it concerns the cleaning of rugs. Even though oriental rugs add aesthetic value to the home, they are principally hard to clean and susceptible to significant damage if not properly cleaned. Many issues affect the cleaning of rugs.


The first issue is that many of these area rugs are not colorfast. This means that the rugs are vulnerable to fading, dye migration and color transfers. A real rug cleaning expert can efficiently combat these issues using specialized cleaning methods.

san diego rug cleaning & rug repair


It is also important to remember that many rugs can shrink after cleaning. This is because most rugs are made using wool. While cleaning the rug, it is important for the cleaner to follow the recommended procedure to prevent the rugs from shrinking. These measures also permit the cleaning of the delicate fringe without causing the rug to knot.


The area rug cleaner has to consider the kind of flooring that lies underneath the rug (tile, carpeting, concrete or hardwood). This will prevent damaging the floor if the rug is left on the floor surface in its damp condition. Most rug cleaning professionals clean the rugs off-site to protect the floor.

There are some tips that one should follow when cleaning rugs. The cleaner should not use force when rubbing the stained rug. This might cause the stain to spread to other areas of the rug and end up causing permanent damage to the fabric. It is important to clean out stains quickly.

Leaving the stains for a while makes the stain be harder to clean, as it would have set in into the fabric. This might even cause a chemical reaction, which may leave a permanent stain on the rug.

It is important to test the rug cleaning agents or chemicals on a small part of the rug before applying the agents on the rug. This will indicate if the rug reacts to the cleaning chemical thus avoiding further damage to the carpet.

Mildews and molds are hard to remove from rugs, and they require patience. Despite their stubbornness, they just need simple solutions to clean them. The use of the salt solution, non-chlorine bleach or lemon juice is recommended for colored rugs while hydrogen peroxide is recommended for fast colored area rugs.

In Conclusion

With the above tips, rug cleaning is a very easy task that leaves the mats in its original form. With proper care, the aesthetic value of the rug will never diminish. Remember that your rug is as precious as any other costly thing in your house, and you must take care of your rug just like everything in your house. If you don’t, you will repent!

You can always rely on San Diego Rug Cleaning & Repair for your all your area rug cleaning needs in San Diego County.

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San Diego Rug Cleaning & Repair
7128 Miramar Road, Suite 5
San Diego,Ca 92121

(858) 549-1280

Open Monday thru Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm

Saturdays open from 10am to 2pm


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